JSH Properties

  • With the Seattle Building Tune-Up program as a jumping off point, ArchEcology began working with JSH Properties in 2017 to develop capacity in their industrial portfolios to better meet building owners’ environment, social, and governance (ESG) goals.

    Our work started with building tune-ups for a two building property that qualified for Seattle’s Building Tune-up accelerator program. After successfully guiding the Seattle projects through tune-up compliance, the ownership requested a similar process for buildings outside of Seattle. We have established benchmarking for an additional five buildings and reviewed them against the Owner’s sustainable operating guidelines.

    We’re developing energy management plans and operations and maintenance programs to comply with Washington’s Clean Building Performance Standard. We continue to conduct tune-up assessments, support Energy Star and other certification on qualifying properties, as well as identify and support improvement projects.

    It is the highest compliment when a client makes internal referrals, and we have been delighted to support other JSH Properties Managers with Building Tune-Up compliance and LEED O+M certification.

  • Location: 10 buildings at 6 separate properties in Everett, Seattle, Auburn and Fife.

    Square Footage: 1,884,952

    Property Manager: JSH Properties




Lakeview Campus